Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Considering "The Paper Market" Interview

In his interview, "The Paper Market" Nick Mamatas explains his article written in a Drexel university article. In the six-minute interview, Mamatus explains some of his article such as how his profession is completely legal. He also discusses the stupidity of his clients, as well as the different types of clients.

Mamatus's talked very fast in this interview. At times, it was hard to understand what he was saying. Mamatus seemed like he was rushing to get the interview done. The diction was very hard at times, to understand. His words were slurred and running together. Mamatus's tone was pompus. His tone and voice suggests that only his opinion is right and no one can tell him he is wrong. Hearing Mamatus being interviewed has changed my opinion on him. He doesn't seem to have empathy for these so called "dumb" people. Mamatus has actually turned some clients in to their professors.

In this case, the medium (audio as opposed to print) did not work out. Reading the article was easier to understand and interpret. Mamantus's tone, diction, and voice were very hard to understand and follow. The tone in his voice suggested he didn't care that he was turning in people to their professors.

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